
Sunday, November 30, 2008

A friday of Nov 28

Hi fellow reader,

Meet you again here.
Just to share with you a story of a friday.
Yesterday was friday 28 Nov 2008.
To inform, I got two big event yesterday.
It took me 48 hours unrest.
What were they?


They were Webfolio and Project presentation.
Last week was a week of so-called-tired for me.
I got a so tough event that I will never forgot till the end.


My university account alleged to be suspended for 48 hours started on wednesday till friday.


Do you knew?

I got to submit my webfolio on that friday too.
I was very helpless on that wednesday.
I was very tired.
Tired of not having enough sleep and restless body.
I struggled to meet It service desk and told them the truth behind that thing.
After spending a one-hour discussion, my account left unbanned back.
Thank god.

I continued write up my webfolio and at the same time prepared the project presentation.
Everything was smoothed.
Thank god again.

But yet,
Saturday 29 Nov.
My head was so heavy.
I got headache.
Quite severe.
Too many focus on laptop screen and focus on writing up.
Yet, I managed to complete the assignment on time.


Thank you so much for this feeling.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rehabilitation of Islam.

And a blessed good evening to all people.

We meet again here in my blog.
Today I would like to share with you.
A topic.
Topic on Projection of Islamic movement in future.

To start.
Spreads everywhere today.


Expand parallelly with globalization.


One thought arose in my mind.
It came across in my mind quite frequent.
Asking me to pen down in this blog.
To share a partial of my thought with people.
Today I come and pen down those hidden in my mind.

It is a thought of religion.
What religion?


It is about Islam.
Can Islam regain back the dignity as such the past they have?

To add.
Last week.
On Sunday, 16 November 2008.

I attended one talk session that took place in Surrey University Teaching Block 16.

Given a name "Remembering Our History" (ISK - Ingat Sejarah Kita).
That talk mainly expressing about our Islamic Historical Timeline and back forth history.

History about existence of Adam (pbuh).
History about Ibrahim (pbuh).
History about all Prophet and their Prophecy.

And the peak of the talk was about Islamic society after Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

How Islam been created by Muhammad?
How the muslim faced the difficulties?
How Islam expanded from just a small figures of devotee to certainty of thousands after that?

At the final stage,
How the society falls from the highest point to the lowest point of performance.

My intention was on the last part of it.
Fall of Islamic Ruling system - Khalifah.
We live here in world without a single brave leader to lead.
We have been depressingly urged to be at the lowest of our stand.

I feel like crying inside in my heart.
O Allah I cry.
Feeling "Khatamullah".
Fear of Allah.

We are in the end of our stage.
People keep on continue forgotting Rabb Ilahi.
I am wondering.
When the bright sight of Islam will return?
Even we are a muslim today.
We are in our weakest point.
We stand our Islam deen secretly in heart.
Nor as a group of people.
We pray together in Mosques, but plenty in uncertainty.



We don't have a LEADER.

What is a leader?
How to define a leader?
How important the leader for us?

To comment.
Leader I see is a Khalifah.
We have no Khalifah.

O Allah.
Please gives us Hidayah.
Please open our heart.
Show us the siratul mustaqim.
We beg to You O Almighty.
You O Allah the only one we believe and praise to.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hina guru tadika Kemas.

Sumber : www.utusan.com.my

KUALA LUMPUR 14 Nov. - Kenyataan Ahli Parlimen Ampang, Zuraida Kamaruddin yang melabelkan guru tabika Kemas sebagai 'golongan mak cik-mak cik' merupakan satu penghinaan terhadap profesion tersebut.

Menteri Kemajuan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah, Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd. Taib berkata, kenyataan itu juga mencerminkan Zuraida sebagai wakil rakyat yang tidak bertanggungjawab sehingga tergamak mengguris hati guru-guru tabika tersebut yang selama ini banyak berjasa.

''Saya berasa dukacita dengan kenyataan Ahli Parlimen Ampang itu yang melabelkan guru tabika Kemas sebagai mak cik, perbuatan ini bukan sahaja tidak bertanggungjawab malah satu penghinaan dan dibuat secara melulu,'' katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.

Kelmarin pada persidangan Dewan Rakyat, Zuraida (PKR-Ampang) melabelkan guru tabika Kemas sebagai golongan mak cik-mak cik yang ketinggalan zaman dan tidak berkualiti.

Zuraida berkata, 'mak cik-mak cik' itu masih mengajar 'angan-angan Mat Jenin' dan 'ketuanan berkeris' kepada kanak-kanak yang mendapat didikan awal di tabika Kemas.

Menurut Muhammad, kenyataan Zuraida itu juga mencerminkan beliau seorang yang cetek pengetahuan mengenai peranan Kemas yang telah banyak berjasa kepada rakyat khususnya bagi penduduk di luar bandar.

Jelas beliau, kenyataan Zuraida itu hanya disokong oleh satu kajian Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) yang dibuat pada 2001 sedangkan Kemas sudah melalui pelbagai penambahbaikan selepas tempoh berkenaan.

''Daripada jumlah 8,364 orang guru Tabika Kemas di seluruh negara, hanya 942 orang (12 peratus) sahaja yang berumur lebih 50 tahun sedangkan 7,562 orang (88 peratus) berusia antara 21 hingga 50 tahun,'' katanya.

Beliau memberitahu, sebahagian besar daripada tenaga pendidikan tabika kemas terdiri daripada lulusan diploma dan lulusan minimum Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM).

Menurut beliau, pihaknya juga kini sedang melakukan penambahbaikan kelayakan dan profesionalisme guru tabika Kemas dengan menghantar 2,000 orang pendidik mengikuti kursus Diploma Perguruan Malaysia.

Muhammad turut menegaskan, kurikulum di tabika Kemas bukan kurikulum angan-angan Mat Jenin kerana ia digubal oleh sukarelawan Pertubuhan BangsaBangsa Bersatu (PBB) dan diiktiraf oleh Kementerian Pelajaran.

Katanya, sehingga Mei 2008, seramai 5,852 bekas pelajar tabika Kemas dikesan berjaya dalam kerjaya mereka sebagai doktor (129), jurutera (227), pensyarah dan guru (1,588) manakala baki selebihnya berjaya menjawat jawatan penting seperti arkitek, akauntan, wartawan, pakar forensik dan diplomat.

''Martabat guru-guru Kemas tidak sepatutnya dipandang rendah, sebaliknya pengorbanan mereka mendidik anak-anak sewajarnya dihormati dan bukannya dihina,'' tegasnya.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A headphone.

It is quite a long time I have not writing up in this blog.
Just keep in changing the template without a value of writing.

I quite busy with struggling in understading what is been taught in the class and wrap up them right after the class.

I got some times to spend on this blog.
So let's us chatting.

I bought a headphone with mike.
Price at GBP 12.
What a sacrification of saving I spent on.

The reason why I bought this headphone is just ONE and ONLY one.
To talk peer to peer with my families and my err, my love one ever. ngee...

That's all folk for the moment.
See you all bit later.

Adios amigos!

Fall of a quid pound sterling....

Surrey, United Kingdom.
I wrote this expression at 1748pm BST.
To note.
I was about two months now from my first time stepped at Heathrow Airport.
Value of one pound sterling is at MYR 6.32 at that precious moment.
Expensive to express.

What a mercy thing happened today and at the moment.
The value dropped as at MYR 5.40 a quid.
It is almost 1 MYR of dropping.


Let us rationalise that phrase.

What is the meaning of that falling off?
What relevant that particular thing with our daily life?
Why does it drops so much?
How can we interprete that hot issue?
The most vital question to us, how important that to us in reverse?

Based from my reading and observation.
I found several word to describe what happen in linked with the falling.

1. Recession.
2. Credit Crunch.
3. Unemployment.
4. Projection of good price; whether increase or decrease.
5. Subprime.
6. Demand.
7. Monetary management system.
8. Expanding of India, China and Africa; in term of development of that countries.

To add.
From the trend I observed daily since last 06 Sept 2008.
It is gradually falling nor increasing too much.
For some reason, it might fierce us and frightening us up.